Protects your brand reputation and customers from being exploited.

Protect Your Investment

WordPress Website Security

All website needs a security strategy. WordPress currently powers over 34% of all sites on the net. This popularity has an unfortunate side effect, making WordPress sites a juicy target for malicious actors all across the world.

So, the question is – Is WordPress secure?
No, CMS (Content Management System) website is ever 100% hack-proof. Even the US government and the C.I.A get hacked, and they spend hundreds of millions securing their infrastructure.

WordPress undoubtedly has a high standard of security in place and regularly roll out minor patch fixes, to full core updates improving the WordPress system as a whole. In turn, making each update more secure than the one before.

Most hacks happen because basic security practices have not been implemented on the website, leaving it vulnerable.


Cyber Security Stats

Cyber attacks are an ever growing problem and can cripple businesses overnight. The role of website security should never be underestimated. 

0 B

Billion records leaked in january 2019

0 B

One Cyber attack expected to cost businesses in 2019

0 T

2 Trillion global cost of cybercrime expected in 2019

Your investment doesn’t deserve compromises, security is essential.

WordPress Best Practice Security

Secure Your WordPress Website

Prevent WordPress from everyday hacks. Secure your site against security breaches, DDoS protection, block dodgy IP addresses and brute-force login attempts & more…

Brute Force Protection

Limit the number of failed login attempts allowed per use. If someone is trying to guess your password, they’ll get locked out after a few attempts.

Network Brute Force Protection

The main benefit of this approach to brute force attack protection, is the potential for millions of sites united against malicious IPs that are attacking WordPress sites everywhere.

XML-RPC Brute Force Protection

WordPress XML-RPC feature allows hundreds of username and password guesses per request. XML-RPC brute force protection prevents attackers from exploiting this feature.

Secure By Design

Securing Your Website Should Not Be An After Thought

We take security very seriously with all our clients sites. With every website design, our team implements a high security standard, giving you peace of mind online with your site.

Hide Login & Default Admin Path

Change the default URL of your WordPress login area, so attackers won’t know where to look. We highly recommend changing all WordPress default login paths.

Lock Out Bad Users

Keep the bad guys away from your site. If they have too many failed login attempts, or they generate too many 404 errors, or if they’re on a bot blacklist, have them blocked from ever reaching your website.

Two-Factor Authentication

Two-Factor Authentication adds an extra layer of WordPress security to verify it’s actually you logging in and not someone who has gained access (or even guessed) your password.

Safeguard your brand reputation and protect your customers from ever being exploited. 

Keep your WordPress website core, theme and plugins up-to-date at all times.

Advanced Protection

How Much Do You Value Your Business Reputation?

Keeping the bad guys away from your investment. Don’t lose ranking or ever get blacklisted on Google search engine.

Tighten WordPress System

Advanced settings that are utilized to further strengthen the security of your WordPress site. They block common forms of attack. PLUS strict file permission tightening.

Tweak WordPress System

Further strengthen your WordPress website security. Reducing spam, disable admin file editor, protect against Tabnapping, change default user ID, database table prefix change, reset WordPress Salt keys and many more…

Database And Website Backups

Schedule regular website and database backups. Stored locally and a safe remote destination.